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Childcare and Childhood Development

The Associate in Arts – Early Childhood Education Transfer Track degree provides ATC transfer students with the first two years of undergraduate credit towards a degree in Early Childhood Education at the University of South Carolina - Aiken. All of the courses listed for the program (even those not found on the Technical College Courses Transferable to Senior Institutions list) will transfer to USCA under the ATC-USCA Early Childhood Education articulation agreement.

AA-ECE transfer students must maintain a minimum 2.75 GPA and are expected to complete the Praxis Exam before transferring to USCA. The 70 ATC credit hours listed will transfer to USCA’s Department of Education as 65 hours of undergraduate credit. Transfer of any of the eight AA-ECE courses marked with an * in the academic catalog to any college other than USCA would require approval on a case-by-case basis.

For all courses requiring off-site field work, the following may be required:

  • Clear criminal background check

  • Health assessment denoting good health

  • Negative tuberculosis skin test

  • Student liability insurance

  • Current certification in First Aid and Infant, Child and Adult CPR.

Course Details

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SLED Criminal Background Check

You must have a completed SLED Criminal Background clearance stating "No arrest data."

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National Sex Offender Registry

Complete the National Sex Offender Registry clearance stating "No records found."

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