STEAM ROOM: A MakerSpace for students, faculty and staff

The ATC Library has a MakerSpace called The STEAM Room, for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Math.  A MakerSpace provides a place outside of the classroom where students can come together to create, experiment and learn at their own pace.  It gives kinesthetic learners a place to explore on their own, promotes collaboration among students and offers the campus a space for technology that can be used across all disciplines.  The STEAM Room includes: 

  • Computers with various software programs
  • 3-D printer and scanner
  • Laser engraver for ceramic, wood, aluminum, slate and leather
  • Video camera
  • Green screen
  • Electronic circuit kits
  • Robotics kits - Raspberry Pi, Arduino
  • Art supplies
  • Virtual Reality equipment
  • Vinyl cutter
  • Jewelry making supplies
  • Lightboard
  • Media lab/recording studio
  • Services such as 3D design, video editing, and home video to digital conversion
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