Technical Requirements Banner

Technical Requirements


ATC instructors will communicate with students via the students’ ATC email accounts. Please plan to check your ATC email account multiple times per week.

You can access your ATC email through the MyATC Portal.

Minimum Computing Tools

In order to take an online, hybrid online, or web-enhanced course, students must have access to the following minimum computing tools:

  • Windows 7/8/10 or Macintosh OS X 10.7 or higher
  • 2GHz or faster processor
  • 3 GB RAM (4 GB recommended)
  • DVD/CD-ROM drive
  • Sound card with speakers or headphones
  • Broadband (LAN, Cable, or DSL) internet connection
  • A word processing program; NOTE: instructors may request that specific file types are used for assignments (.doc, .rtf, etc.)
  • Virus protection software. Email or attachments with viruses may be immediately deleted and not received by an instructor. It is the students' responsibility to ensure that submitted work is virus-free.
  • Specific hardware/software that may be required by the course

Internet Browsers

The vast majority of online work will take place in the Web-based Blackboard Learn course management system. Blackboard supports the following web browsers:

  • Apple Safari (6 or higher)
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Google Chrome (Recommended)

Internet browser settings:

  • Pop-up Blocker should be disabled
  • Java Script should be enabled
  • Java should be enabled
  • Cookies should be enabled

Plugins, Players, and Viewers

Your courses may require some or all of the following tools:

Computer Skills and Availability

In order to successfully participate in online and hybrid courses, students must have basic skills in personal computer operation. These skills include word processing, sending and receiving email (including file attachments), and using a web browser, including searching for information and downloading files.

Personal computer problems are not valid reasons for failure to meet course requirements. Students encountering problems with their personal computers can use computers in labs on the College campus to access online courses.

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