Surveys and Tests

Aiken Technical College pulls information from a variety of surveys and tests, all of which can be found here along with results from some or all of those tests and surveys.

CCSSE Survey

CCSSE Survey Description

Aiken Technical College conducts the Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) on a regular basis in an effort to assess student engagement based on five major bench marks:

  • Active and Collaborative Learning
  • Student Effort
  • Academic Challenge
  • Student-Faculty Interaction
  • Support for Learners

CCSSE provides information that helps Aiken Technical College focus on good educational practice, defined as that which promotes high levels of student learning and retention, as well as identify areas in which the institution can improve programs and services.

CCSSE Results


CCFSSE Survey Description

In 2008, the Community College Faculty Survey of Student Engagement (CCFSSE) was administered to 50 Aiken Technical College faculty (36 full-time and 14 part-time. CCFSSE elicits information from faculty about their teaching practices, the ways they spend their professional time both in and out of class, and their perceptions regarding students’ educational experiences.

CCFSSE Results

SENSE Survey

SENSE Survey Description

Aiken Technical College conducts the Survey of Entering Student Engagement (SENSE) every two years in the fall semester to gauge student’s first impressions, expectations, and goal commitment.

SENSE Results

ATC Institutional Satisfaction Surveys

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