
Scholarships are offered through a variety of sources with a variety of eligibility requirements. Students can receive scholarships in addition to federal aid, however, the total of all scholarships and financial aid received cannot exceed the cost of attendance as determined by the Financial Aid Office.

ATC Foundation Scholarships

The ATC Foundation awards scholarships to students who have demonstrated outstanding academic achievement in high school or college level course work. Some scholarships are based on general academic achievement, while others are based on potential in specific subject areas. Students are selected primarily during March of the spring semester for scholarships to be awarded for the following fall. Occasionally, scholarships may become available at other times during the year. If this happens, all initial applicants who have met the qualifications will be considered for available scholarship funds.

Qualifications and How to Apply

Current and newly accepted ATC students can apply for scholarships. Please visit for more information.

Technical Scholars Program

Sponsorships cover all college tuition, fees, textbooks, and provide paid part-time jobs for selected students. Students applying for these scholarships must be fully accepted into an appropriate associate degree program, meet scholarship criteria, agree to comply with all sponsoring employer’s interviews and other required screenings. Sponsoring employers make the final decision on who is offered a scholarship based upon their needs and the applicant’s qualifications. Students interested in the Technical Scholars Program should contact Patsy Fields at (803) 508-7278 or Shareffa Harris at (803) 508-7420.

Learn More About the Technical Scholars Program

Legislative Incentive for Future Excellence (LIFE) Scholarship

The LIFE Scholarship is administered by the ATC Financial Aid Office as outlined by the South Carolina Commission on Higher Education (CHE). The annual award is available to students graduating from a SC high school with a cumulative 3.0 GPA. Eligible students can receive the LIFE Scholarship for two semesters if enrolled in a one-year certificate or diploma program, four semesters if enrolled in a two-year associate degree program, or six semesters if enrolled in a three-year associate degree program. Renewal requires a 3.0 cumulative collegiate GPA and a minimum of 30 credit hours earned each year. The scholarship covers a student’s cost of tuition and $150 per semester toward books, up to a maximum of $2,500 per semester. In rare circumstances a student can receive LIFE Scholarship funds for full-time summer enrollment.

New and continuing students who wish to be considered for the LIFE Scholarship should complete the LIFE Scholarship Assessment Form and submit final, official high school transcripts to the Enrollment Services Center. Transfer and prior dual enrolled students must also submit official collegiate transcripts from all colleges attended.

SC Palmetto Fellows Scholarship

The Palmetto Fellows Scholarship Program is a merit-based scholarship program administered by the South Carolina Commission on Higher Education. The scholarship must be applied directly toward the cost of attendance, less any other gift aid received.  Recipients can receive up to $6,700 their first year of eligibility and up to $7,500 their second year of eligibility. 

Palmetto Fellows Scholarship recipients must complete the Palmetto Fellows Certification Form each year.

Palmetto Fellows Continuing Eligibility Requirements

Once a student has been awarded a Palmetto Fellows Scholarship, they must do the following to maintain their Scholarship each academic year:

  • Earn a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA at the student’s home institution by the end of each academic year (fall, spring and summer); and
  • Earn at least 30 nonremedial credit hours for graduation purposes by the end of each academic year. Exempted credit hours (i.e., AP, IB, CLEP), credit hours earned before high school graduation (i.e., dual enrollment courses) and credit hours earned the summer term immediately following high school graduation cannot be used to meet the annual credit hours requirement.  Credit hours earned before high school graduation including Advanced Placement (AP) credit hours, International Baccalaureate (IB) credit hours, exempted credit hours earned on active duty, must be placed on the student’s official high school transcript by the institution at which they are earned, and be counted toward the annual credit hours requirement. Eligible Palmetto Fellow Scholarship requirements may prorate their award for the term of graduation.

Palmetto Fellows Scholarship recipients must also maintain SC residency, cannot be in default or owe a refund/repayment on any state or federal financial aid, student is also required to certify an affidavit on conviction of felonies and submit any required documentation to the financial aid office.

SC Workforce for Industry Needs (SC WINS) Scholarship

The South Carolina Workforce for Industry Needs Scholarship (SCWINS) is a statewide technical college scholarship program designed to address workforce shortages in South Carolina. The scholarship covers any remaining tuition, fees, and required course-related expenses left after applying all other scholarships or grants. Recipients can receive up to $5,000 per academic year after applying all other scholarships or grants.

A student must pursue a professional certificate, industry-recognized credential (IRC), diploma or degree. Students can receive the SCWINS for only one certificate, diploma or degree unless the additional certificate, diploma or degree constitutes progress in the same field of study.

Qualifying students will be required to complete the SC Workforce Affidavit. They must be a South Carolina resident, enrolled in an eligible program, have a minimum 2.0 GPA and meet one of the following criteria:

  • Be employed,
  • Take a financial literacy course offered at the technical college, or
  • Complete 100 hours of voluntary time contributing to a nonprofit or public service organization.

Privately Funded Scholarships

Many outside agencies offer scholarships to students planning on attending ATC. Typically the student is given a set of criteria they must meet or maintain from the agency offering in order to receive the scholarship. Checks are sometimes mailed directly to the student, but most often they are mailed directly to the institution’s Cashier’s Office. Checks mailed to the institution and written to ATC will be deposited into the student’s account for tuition payment. If checks are mailed to the institution and written to ATC and the student, the student must sign the check before it can be deposited.

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