
Class of 2023 Alumni Spotlight: Megan Sayer
Nikasha N Dicks
/ Categories: Press Releases

Class of 2023 Alumni Spotlight: Megan Sayer

Although Megan Sayer’s career path initially led elsewhere, the experience of having children encouraged her to pursue her lifelong dream of becoming a nurse.

“Once I had my children, I knew that I wanted to go back to school and become a nurse so that I could work with women and babies,” said Sayer. “The process of having a baby was so raw and emotional. The nurses that were there to help me really left an impact on me, so I knew that was what I wanted to do in life.”

She graduated from Aiken Technical College’s Associate in Applied Science: Nursing program in May 2023. As a student, she was an active member of the Student Nurses Association and Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society while maintaining a 3.67 GPA and consistently being on the Dean’s List.

“My children and my husband really kept me motivated,” she said. “There were so many times when I thought it would just be easier to quit, but I knew my boys were watching me, and I was setting an example. I think they are all very proud of me.”

Her drive and commitment were recognized during the 2023 Awards Night Ceremony when she was named the recipient of the Buck Grant Award, the College’s highest student award. The award is named in honor of George H. “Buck” Grant, who was instrumental in establishing Aiken Tech.

Recipients of the Buck Grant Award are graduating students who have made notable academic achievements while contributing to the College and community. The nomination for Sayer stated: “Megan is an outstanding student who is a team player, an excellent communicator and collaborator, and one who graciously excelled in her nursing education. She takes great initiative, demonstrates a strong nursing skillset, and believes in community service through her work with SNA. I am quite confident that she will continue to serve our community well through her nursing practice.”

Receiving the award was an unexpected but proud moment, said Sayer.

“It truly is an amazing feeling to see the hard work that I have put in the last two years pay off. It really shows me that I can do anything that I put my mind to and that the last two years were truly worth every missed day with my children and husband and all the sleepless nights,” she said.

After graduating from Aiken Tech, Sayer began her career in the newborn nursery at Aiken Regional Medical Centers with plans to eventually work in labor and delivery.

She said her next goal is to work toward a bachelor’s degree and possibly even become a nurse practitioner. In the meantime, she is focused on “becoming the best nurse that I can become.”

A goal that is being made a reality thanks to Aiken Tech, added Sayer.

“I just want to say I am truly humbled by this experience, and I couldn’t have done it without the amazing staff at Aiken Tech. I truly formed a relationship with these teachers and look forward to keeping in contact in the future. Dr. (Hannah) Williams was such an amazing teacher and truly helped me to see nursing with a new perspective and helped me learn so much. I couldn’t have done it without her,” said Sayer.

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«March 2025»

Aiken Tech to host cyber camp this June

Aiken Technical College will host a new camp this June to increase youth’s interest in computer technology and robotics. The Cyber Power Camp, open to rising eighth through 12th graders, will be held June 9-13 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on the Aiken Tech campus. The camp application is open through April 15.

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