ATC Foundation awarded grant to support dental assisting program
The Aiken Technical College Foundation has been awarded a grant through the BlueCross® BlueShield® of South Carolina Foundation to support the college’s expanded duty dental assisting program.
Grant funds will be used to purchase upgraded equipment for the dental assisting lab, such as digital sensors, specialty instruments and cassettes, an autoclave, and preventive dentistry carts, also known as standalone operatories.
The additions ensure that the program’s equipment reflects the latest in the industry, said Angela Odom, program director for the expanded duty dental assisting program.
“I am excited that our program was chosen for this grant,” Odom said. “As a graduate of the expanded duty dental assisting program 28 years ago and now the program director, it means so much to me to be able to keep this program up-to-date in all of the significant changes that are happening yearly in dentistry.”
Odom added that the purchase of new standalone operatories will also double the program’s current operatories, greatly expanding opportunities for enrollment growth.
Aiken Tech’s expanded duty dental assisting program, accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation, prepares students to work alongside dentists, help develop and manage infection control protocol, and manage dental offices. For more information about the program, visit
About Aiken Technical College
Aiken Technical College is a two-year comprehensive college located in Graniteville, South Carolina. Founded in 1972, the College provides educational and workforce development opportunities through academic programs, continuing education, and corporate training services. Visit for more information.
About Aiken Technical College Foundation
Aiken Technical College Foundation is a non-profit organization created in 1977 to foster workforce success by building partnerships with businesses and the community to provide financial support for Aiken Technical College and its students.
About the BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina Foundation
The BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina Foundation is an independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.