
Aiken Technical College Student Named 2022 New Century Workforce Scholar

Nikasha N Dicks 2873

Ismat Hasan, a student at Aiken Technical College, has been named a 2022 New Century Workforce Scholar and will receive a $1,250 scholarship. New Century Workforce Scholars are selected based on their academic accomplishments, leadership, activities, and how they extend their intellectual talents beyond the classroom. Over 2,200 students were nominated from more than 1,200 college campuses across the country. Only one New Century Workforce Scholar was selected from each state.

Summer/Fall 2022 Quick Enrollment Guide

Nikasha N Dicks 6544
Your future is within reach! Enroll today at Aiken Technical College. Whether you are continuing your education with us, or are just getting started, check out this information to help you on your journey to success.
Archive and Events
«March 2022»

Aiken Technical College Named Military Friendly® School for 2022-2023 Year

Aiken Technical College (ATC) has earned the 2022-2023 Military Friendly® School designation from Viqtory’s Military Friendly® brand. This is the 11th consecutive year the College has received the designation.
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Fall 2022 Advisement and Registration Begins--Current Students

Fall 2022 advisement and registration begins for current/returning students on March 14 at 8 a.m.



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Summer/Fall 2022 Quick Enrollment Guide

Your future is within reach! Enroll today at Aiken Technical College. Whether you are continuing your education with us, or are just getting started, check out this information to help you on your journey to success.
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Aiken Technical College Student Named 2022 New Century Workforce Scholar

Ismat Hasan, a student at Aiken Technical College, has been named a 2022 New Century Workforce Scholar and will receive a $1,250 scholarship. New Century Workforce Scholars are selected based on their academic accomplishments, leadership, activities, and how they extend their intellectual talents beyond the classroom. Over 2,200 students were nominated from more than 1,200 college campuses across the country. Only one New Century Workforce Scholar was selected from each state.

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Aiken Technical College Vice President to Retire After 27 Years of Service in SC Technical College System

Dr. S. Vinson Burdette, Vice President of Academic & Student Affairs, will retire on April 1 from Aiken Technical College after serving more than 27 years in the South Carolina Technical College System.
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Aiken Technical College Dedicates and Renames Campus Security Building

Aiken Technical College (ATC) held a private dedication ceremony on March 30 to formally rename its security building the John E. McCord Campus Security Building.
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